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Hotel B

My junior year I interned at Hotel B because back then, I thought about pursuing hospitality and hoped to one day have my own hotel. When I first stepped into the hotel it looked magnificent.  I was greeted nicely and told that I would be exploring all the different roles that a manager of a hotel would have to do. I was told that managers job is really to make sure everything is working smoothly so if someone doesn't show up you have to take their place. I worked as a bellboy, room service, bartender, administration, reception. At points, I felt as if the internship was useless since I was learning nothing but how to do these boring jobs. When the internship ended I thought more about what I had done and realized this is not something I want to pursue. The internship was a great experience to understand what a hotel manager does. Many times I had to stay overtime to finish work that wasn't completed throughout the day. Great experience but this isn't what I want for the rest of my life.

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